Date : 25/11/1994 Friday
Event : Spiritual Discussion - Xian Sheng’s talk in Cantonese
Venue : Xian Sheng’s House - Karaoke room (202 Jln G1, Tmn Melawati, 53100 KL)
- Xian Sheng felt that the united effort by some of the brothers and sisters who attended the past spiritual retreats is not sufficient in implementing activities.
- If brothers and sisters who attended the spiritual retreats did not practise humility and act harmoniously when dealing with their fellow brothers and sisters, it is an unfortunate waste of effort.
- We should mingle with, talk to and discuss with everyone and not choose our friends.
- As brothers and sisters, it is even more important that we are not selective, but that we mutually love each other and help each other. We will be united to preach as we have teamwork and esprit de corps.
- If we do not practise forgiveness and be united, we will not be able to preach. The most important issue is to preach so that others will pray to The CREATOR to save their souls.
- However, if we want to improve and progress in our organisational skills, the committee should be open to criticism.
- If those who attended the spiritual retreats are able to handle criticism, they will progress faster and farther than everyone else. Otherwise, they will be stagnant and will not progress further.
- Morale and motivation are important qualities. Xian Sheng defined morale as the determination to do something.
- However, we need a united effort from everyone to preach with one message and one voice with the same love for Baitiangong. We need to have the same line of thought, as we do not want any contradiction or indecisive answer from another brother or sister during preaching.
- A motivated follower would look for information to preach. We need to acquire knowledge and understanding.
- Xian Sheng requested us to read all the anniversary booklet starting from the seventh anniversary until the latest, several times, to hopefully be able to understand Xian Sheng 2% to a maximum of 3%.
- If we have morale in what we do, we can achieve it. Otherwise, it will never materialise in spite of how much thought we put into it. We must also be motivated to put our morale into actions. For e.g., we have the morale to save the souls of others, but lack the motivation to go out and preach, it will also be futile. Therefore, morale and motivation go hand in hand for us to be successful in all our undertakings; whether to be united in our quest to preach, in work or maintaining harmony in the family.
- Although we cannot escape from the fact that work takes a large portion of our time, we must still allocate a day or two to fulfil our spiritual responsibilities.
- We can study Xian Sheng’s talks from video recordings and ask him questions until we achieve one hundred percent understanding of his teachings. Baitiangong is a movement of questions and answers; where we can ask questions and obtain answers.
- Baitiangong is about “Change”; if we do not ask questions, we will not develop a better understanding and we will not change.
- Baitiangong is the avenue where we demonstrate our love for others by saving their souls. Love is sharing with our friends how to pray to The CREATOR. If we have love for others, we will get GOD’s love in return.
- We should take every opportunity to preach Baitiangong to anyone we meet in a non-aggressive manner and with humility.
- We control how we spend our own time. If we want to go to Xian Sheng’s home after office hours to discuss with the brothers and sisters there, the only thing stopping us is our willingness. If we are willing to, then everything becomes possible. If we are not willing to, then everything becomes impossible.
- Ultimately, the responsibility of a Baitiangong brother or sister to attend spiritual discussion or meditation on Sunday lies with himself or herself.
Summary of Xian Sheng’s talk in cantonese on 25/11/1994
The English versions are summaries of his sentences as direct translations would be difficult to understand. As such, we may inadvertently introduce our own interpretation that may not reflect Xian Sheng’s actual words. We also engaged the assistance of many brothers and sisters to assist us in preparing this anniversary booklet. As a result, this booklet reflects the many writing styles and interpretation of the authors. Although we held many discussions to identify and correct any misinterpretation and grammatical errors, there is bound to be some disagreement over them. As such we welcome any constructive comments, feedbacks and suggestions.
[052A-1994 00:25min]
Xian Sheng felt that the united effort by some of the brothers and sisters who attended the past spiritual retreats (an event where brothers and sisters hiked up a hill and fasted continuously for 72 hours without food and water) is not sufficient in implementing activities. During Jesus’ time, they did not organise spiritual retreats like us. By comparison, Jesus’ disciples did not have the opportunity to experience miracles like the soul leaving the body to go to Heaven and Hell and spiritual meditation. We are the most fortunate among all the religions to have witnessed all these miracles.
[052A-1994 01:32min]
If brothers and sisters who attended the spiritual retreats did not practise humility and act harmoniously when dealing with their fellow brothers and sisters, it is an unfortunate waste of effort. If people outside Baitiangong saw us speaking badly of each other or look down on others because of their position in society or because they are poor, they would say that we are hopeless. What are we going to do to solve this perception problem? We should follow the examples set by Xian Sheng. Xian Sheng treated everyone equally regardless of his or her position in society, rich or poor. We should mingle with, talk to and discuss with everyone and not choose our friends.
[052A-1994 04:21min]
As brothers and sisters, it is even more important that we are not selective, but that we mutually love each other and help each other. We will be united to preach as we have teamwork and esprit de corps. Those who attended the spiritual retreats should know the importance of the soul and think of ways to preach to others to save their souls. When we preach, we may encounter situations where people would ridicule us. They may even knowingly or unknowingly spread false rumours about what other brothers and sisters say about us. If we practise humility and forgiveness, we will just shrug them off. Otherwise, we would get irritated and confront the follower to attempt to slap them.
[052A-1994 05:45min]
How are we going to preach with that kind of attitude? If we do not practise forgiveness and be united, we will not be able to preach. The most important issue is to preach so that others will pray to The CREATOR to save their souls. Those who attended the spiritual retreats should be more aware of this importance.
[052A-1994 06:07min]
Brothers and sisters who attended the spiritual retreats, whether once, twice, or three times, are very fortunate indeed, as Xian Sheng will not plan for future spiritual retreats as he deems that it is no longer necessary. However, they have a greater role to be united to organise activities. Using the current spiritual discussion as an example, Xian Sheng said that they should get involved in organising the event. We should not place the responsibility solely on either Baixian personnel or certain brothers or sisters. We should not say that we refuse to cooperate with some brothers or sisters.
[052A-1994 07:08min]
However, if we want to improve and progress in our organisational skills, the committee should be open to criticism. Those who attended the spiritual retreats should be more open to criticism. People will always be critical of us in whatever we do. If those who attended the spiritual retreats are able to handle criticism, they will progress faster and farther than everyone else. Otherwise, they will be stagnant and will not progress further.
[052A-1994 07:45min]
Morale and motivation are important qualities. Xian Sheng defined morale as the determination to do something. Xian Sheng gave the example of a Russian, Nicholas Notovich who had the morale and motivation to seek more information about Jesus as recorded by the Tibetan monks. As the Soviet Union formerly occupied Tibet, he was hesitant to request for information. However, because of a fortunate accident, maybe a subconscious manifestation of his strong morale, he fell down from his horse and broke his leg. This accident allowed him to gather the information he desired about Christianity.
[052A-1994 10:00min]
We have to know where our morale and motivation lies. We need to have morale to have harmony. A person without morale is a negative person. A person with morale is an optimistic person as nothing will be impossible. However, we need a united effort from everyone to preach with one message and one voice with the same love for Baitiangong. We need to have the same line of thought, as we do not want any contradiction or indecisive answer from another brother or sister during preaching.
[052A-1994 11:37min]
To preach successfully, we need to be an optimistic person. A motivated follower would look for information to preach. We need to acquire knowledge and understanding.
[052A-1994 13:00min]
Xian Sheng requested those who attended the spiritual retreats to truthfully tell him whether they read the eighteenth anniversary booklet at least three times. Xian Sheng himself read this anniversary booklet three times and used a dictionary to help him understand the contents. Without reading it several times, we would not be able to comprehend and understand its contents to help us to preach.
[052A-1994 14:36min]
Xian Sheng requested from us, particularly those who attended the spiritual retreats, to read all the anniversary booklet starting from the seventh anniversary until the latest, several times, to hopefully be able to understand Xian Sheng 2% to a maximum of 3%. Xian Sheng requested us to read all the anniversary booklets and memorise its contents. In the event a non-Baitiangong person who read the booklet and questioned us, we will know which booklet they are referring to and answer accordingly. There was once an embarrassing moment when a non-Baitiangong person related back to Xian Sheng that a follower who lent him an anniversary booklet was unaware of its contents.
[052A-1994 18:19min]
It is very important that we read all the anniversary booklets and look through as many old photos as possible so that we know Xian Sheng’s and Baitiangong’s history. We need to be well versed in Baitiangong by reading through every anniversary booklet several times and memorising the details for us to preach Baitiangong successfully. Xian Sheng had to memorise the anniversary booklets just like us. As an example, Xian Sheng told us that he had to read the Hindu caste system several times to memorise it before he can explain it to us.
[052A-1994 21:15min]
With reference to a religion that states that The CREATOR manifests as a baby and sits on a lotus flower, this is not logical, but we need to have knowledge of their religion to reason with them and preach to them. We have to point out to the Christians the comparisons between their Bible and the scrolls written by the Buddhist monks. The scrolls written by the Buddhist monks are more accurate as they were written around the date of the demise of Jesus as compared to the Gospels that were written seventy, ninety and one hundred years after Jesus’ demise. The Bible is full of miraculous events resulting from addition and subtraction by various authors as well as inaccurate information passed down over the generations. If we have read Nicholas Notovich’s book, we can quote that he compiled his information from the Tibetan temple. We have to look for information from the anniversary booklets and other books so that we have the knowledge to preach.
[052A-1994 23:22min]
People who lack the subtle art of diplomacy, which includes humility, would find themselves unable to motivate others. Xian Sheng referred to two Baitiangong followers who were former Baixian employees that left the movement because they were always arguing. Xian Sheng stressed that those who attended the spiritual retreats should practise more humility when talking to brothers and sisters as slight irritability from them may anger others. Although they have their personal issues, they should not put the blame on others or scold others, as they would not be able to preach successfully. Brothers and sisters who attended the spiritual retreats should project a good image by speaking with humility and acting harmoniously.
[052A-1994 27:22min]
If we have morale in what we do, we can achieve it. Otherwise, it will never materialise in spite of how much thought we put into it. We must also be motivated to put our morale into actions. For e.g., we have the morale to save the souls of others, but lack the motivation to go out and preach, it will also be futile. Therefore, morale and motivation go hand in hand for us to be successful in all our undertakings; whether to be united in our quest to preach, in work or maintaining harmony in the family. Therefore, Xian Sheng requested those who attended the spiritual retreats to practise them in earnest, as they are fortunate as compared to brothers and sisters who would never get the chance to attend the spiritual retreats.
[052A-1994 29:15min]
Xian Sheng would like to know their morale and motivation after the spiritual retreats as some promised to do their best to preach Baitiangong. However, they are giving all sorts of excuses now such as busy with their business, meetings or work. Although we cannot escape from the fact that work takes a large portion of our time, we must still allocate a day or two to fulfil our spiritual responsibilities.
[052A-1994 30:11min]
Those who attended the spiritual retreats have to develop a better understanding of Baitiangong by reading and memorising all the anniversary booklets and listening to the recordings of Xian Sheng’s talks. Xian Sheng mentioned an example of a talk he gave at our Holy Hall in Kampung Kuyow, which he referred from a book “Many Lives Many Masters” written by Dr. Brian Weiss. The statements given by the master spirits as recorded in the book are all wrong and Xian Sheng had given his reasons. However, we would not be able to remember them if we do not have this video recording of his talk.
[052A-1994 32:50min]
Xian Sheng would eventually be highlighting every wrong statement made by Jesus for us. He reminded us of a quotation in Chinese he made which states that Xian Sheng can never be wrong in spiritual matters. If we think that Xian Sheng is wrong, then we are in the wrong (We have to remember that Xian Sheng is a disciple of The CREATOR, and he is privy to truths and facts beyond everyone’s scope. What we think as truth or factual, is based on what we were told or learned, using the limited and probably inaccurate information provided or available to us). Jesus stated that GOD is all good and can never be bad and whosoever says that GOD is bad would have committed a sin. Xian Sheng explained that Jesus is wrong, as he had not given a complete version, as GOD is good, bad and all and more than that. It is therefore, of utmost important that we earn GOD’s love and not GOD’s ire. GOD’s ire far surpasses the ire of man. That is why Heaven and Hell exist. We have to look at the facts and speak the truth. If GOD were all good, then those who failed in their business, relationship, education or loses their limbs in accidents would not have to suffer mental health until they commit suicide.
[052A-1994 36:11min]
There is a saying that even a wise man makes mistake. People call Confucius a wise man, but Confucius made a mistake when he told people to pray to their ancestors. Xian Sheng’s knowledge exceeds those of wise men, as he is a “Disciple of GOD and the Deliverer of All Unclean Spirits”. That is why Xian Sheng dares to speak out, as he can never be wrong in spiritual matters.
[052A-1994 37:08min]
If Xian Sheng wants to announce that GOD is love, he must also announce that GOD is hate as well, as he must give us the complete version. That is why we must have morale and is motivated to earn GOD’s love. We must be an optimistic person and seek to develop a better understanding of Baitiangong. We must take a proactive stand and not just sit around hoping to learn a thing or two from Xian Sheng.
[052A-1994 38:20min]
We can study Xian Sheng’s talks from video recordings and ask him questions until we achieve one hundred percent understanding of his teachings. Baitiangong is a movement of questions and answers; where we can ask questions and obtain answers. Baitiangong is about “Change”; if we do not ask questions, we will not develop a better understanding and we will not change.
[052A-1994 39:14min]
Baitiangong is the avenue where we demonstrate our love for others by saving their souls. Love is sharing with our friends how to pray to The CREATOR. If we have love for others, we will get GOD’s love in return. If a brother or sister acted selfishly by praying on their own and refused to preach to others, they would have wasted their effort participating in the spiritual retreats. We should take every opportunity to preach Baitiangong to anyone we meet in a non-aggressive manner and with humility. This would enable us to change a person to accept Baitiangong. Xian Sheng believed that anything is possible as long as we have morale, motivation and remains optimistic. The word “impossible” is for individuals with pessimistic attitude.
[052A-1994 41:50min]
To a question on the purpose of attending the spiritual retreats, Xian Sheng explained that it is to develop a better understanding. Firstly, to develop a better understanding of being a Saint, Xian Sheng requested the participants to leave behind all their worldly possessions and concerns, including forgetting about relationships, before embarking on the three-day fasting up at the selected hill. Fasting is considered food for Saints as they do not need to eat and drink. Upon completion of the three-day spiritual retreat, the brothers and sisters should behave more Saint-like.
[052A-1994 43:40min]
Secondly, to develop a better understanding of the soul, Xian Sheng requested the participants to treat each other as brothers and sisters and leave behind the earthly ties between parents and their children and among siblings. When we treat each other as brothers and sisters, we would understand that all of us are essentially a soul that inhabits our body while on Earth. Upon returning from spiritual retreat, they should see the importance of saving the soul and not the body.
[052A-1994 45:45min]
They should note down their own experiences along with the knowledge and understanding they obtained. They should know the purpose of their spiritual retreat. Using the information, they should organise discussions and debates without involving Xian Sheng as they should have a better understanding of Baitiangong as their consciousness should have improved. There is still time to organise and share with other brothers and sisters who come on Friday spiritual discussions.
[052A-1994 48:16min]
They should preach to everyone they meet regardless whether others are interested to listen or not. The long-term or frequent exposure to Baitiangong teachings will help as others may eventually come across our obsequies one of these days and after witnessing it; realised that Baitiangong is the right way. Xian Sheng gave an example of the daughter of a Baitiangong follower that admitted that Baitiangong is the right way after she observed her mother’s obsequies.
[052A-1994 54:23min]
We control how we spend our own time. If we want to go to Xian Sheng’s home after office hours to discuss with the brothers and sisters there, the only thing stopping us is our willingness. If we are willing to, then everything becomes possible. If we are not willing to, then everything becomes impossible.
[052A-1994 56:05min]
Ultimately, the responsibility of a Baitiangong brother or sister to attend spiritual discussion or meditation on Sunday lies with himself or herself. They cannot use the excuse that they already understand everything about Baitiangong. Nobody can learn everything about Baitiangong in his or her lifetime. Furthermore, we would also need to know about Christianity and Hinduism as these form part of the knowledge of Baitiangong.
Morale and Motivation
日期: 25/11/1994 星期五
地点: 先生住所 —— 卡拉ok室 (讨论会)
202 Jln G1, Tmn Melawati, 53100 KL
- 统一推动拜天公。
- 我们拜天公是很幸运的,有机会实感到天堂、地狱、奇迹和打坐。
- 先生做一个榜样让我们学习,对全部人一视同仁。
- 最重要的是灵魂,要怎样去救灵魂,这才重要。
- 宣传救人的灵魂,希望他接受拜天公,他的灵魂能得救。
- 能够接受他人的批评,会更加进步。
- 士气是一个人有决心去做一件事。
- 有士气,就是“乐观”的人 ;没士气,就是“悲观”的人。
- 要有士气和推动力,就要去找资料、吸取神圣知识和智慧。
- 为人要有文雅、谦虚和慷慨的态度。
- 士气和推动力必须同时进行才会成功。
- “士气”是救人的灵魂;“推动”是去向人宣传。
- 先生是不会错的。他是“天公的徒弟,全部有罪灵魂的拯救者”。
- 拜天公是一个神圣运动,一个地方让人有问有答——是一个辩驳,是一个改。
- 要得到主的爱,别得到主的憎恨。
- 要推动我们的爱——救人的灵魂。
- 推动本身,让自己有机会了解拜主。
[052A-1994 00:06min]
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[052A-1994 07:45min]
什么是士气和推动力?士气是一个人有决心去做一件事。刚才先生读到这个Nicholas Notovich(苏联人),先生解释这个人有士气和推动力,为了他有这个士气,他想知道,反而无心和不好意思去问,搞到要离开那个地方时,他从马身上自动跌下来。为了可能他有士气,他去那里都有目的要知道那件事情,但是他不好意思,为什么?为了他是苏联人,这个地方的喇嘛,都是被苏联管过,苏联要管理喇嘛,中国又要管理,导致那个时期很乱。
[052A-1994 09:20min]
你看,这个 Nicholas Notovich 有这样的士气,他坐着马离开都跌下来,跌断脚,他返回去那个地方,让他拾到关于耶稣的资料,使他更加了解关于基督教,为了他的士气和推动力很强。我们要问自己,我们的士气和推动力在哪里?我们必须和气,也要有士气。
[052A-1994 10:12min]
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[052A-1994 30:10min]
先生说这本书 Many Lives Many Masters,是由 Dr. Brian Weiss 所写关于灵魂的资料,当中有很多是错的。所以我们要拿出他所写的逐一比较、讨论、辩驳和了解它。如他人问回我们,我们会记得吗?所以我们要买先生的录影带回去倾耳细听。
[052A-1994 32:37min]
关于那个 Dr. Brian Weiss 的书里讲述有许多生命,许多主管。他所说的全部,先生逐一的解释及讲出耶稣所讲的错话,为什么先生敢说耶稣有讲错?为了先生讲过一句话“只有你错没我错,如果你认为我错,都是你错”。
[052A-1994 33:15min]
[052A-1994 35:00min]
如果耶稣说“主是全部爱的”—— 为什么?那些追女朋友失败、读书读不到、做生意失败、好好一个人会突然间残废,为什么会让他们神经失常?有些还搞到去自杀。
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