Friday, October 5, 2012

Anniversary of the Revelation of the Prayer - 4 Oct

Anniversary of the Revelation of
the Prayer to pray to the Creator to Xian Sheng
on 4th October 1976


                Every year, we celebrate this occasion on a grand scale to commemorate the Revelation of the Prayer to pray to the Creator. We arrange the programme to feature Xian Sheng’s teachings, performance by brothers and sisters and donation to the charitable organizations. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to take leave from work and invite their families, relatives and friends to attend our celebration.


How did Xian Sheng receive the Prayer to pray to the Creator? 

                The Prayer to pray to the Creator was first revealed to Xian Sheng during one of his meditation sessions at his home in Kepong Baru on 4th October, 1976. The prayer revealed to Xian Sheng was in Chinese characters and it was as though a voice (internal consciousness) was narrating the Prayer word by word in Cantonese. Being one educated in an English school all his life, he was naturally at a loss as far as the Prayer in Chinese characters was concerned and he uttered, “GOD!  I don’t understand Chinese”.  However, Xian Sheng remembered the narration in Cantonese and later with the help of his friends who were Chinese scholars he was able to have the whole Prayer written down correctly to form what is now our prayer.

       于一九七六年十月四日,先生于甲洞卫星市的住家打坐时得到拜天公的经文。这首经文是以中文方体字呈现给先生,并以粤语(内的感觉)一字一字的念出。基于先生自小受英文教育,面对这么突然的际遇,很自然的喃喃以英语问道  “GOD!  I don’t understand Chinese” (中文译  “主!我不懂得中文”)。然而,每一个字的发音都深刻的印在先生的脑海中。随后在先生的几位谙中文的朋友协助下,才把整首经文正确无误的写下来,就是现今我们使用的经文了。

Why is 4th October so important to us and why do we celebrate it?

                4th October is to commemorate the day Xian Sheng received the Prayer. We use this Prayer to pray to the Creator.


Can we change the date?

                To understand the importance of this day, we celebrate this occasion on the same day every year. At the same time, 4th October is our spiritual new year, thus if we change the date, the significance will be lost.


Why do we encourage people to wear white attire for this celebration?

                White symbolizes purity, essence of unity and integrity. Wearing the same colour serves to promote and project a united front and forms an identity for our spiritual movement.


When we arrive at the celebration venue, why must we pray to the Creator?

                We pray at the celebration venue to show our gratitude to the Creator for revealing the Prayer to Xian Sheng.
