Wednesday, August 1, 2012

拜天公的经文 - 简介 The Prayer Explanation

拜天公的经文  The Prayer Explanation

先生以粤语演说的简介 (请参阅 27/10/1999   65/1999A-1999  先生录影)

拜天公的经文 The Prayer Explanation










天公决定了“一世世上好,全部天公造”。让我们人知道“全部天公造”。在这经文里的解释“一世世上好”,“日月球星”都要好,如它不好的话,他撞我们的地球,地球都会爆。我们的太阳转一圈是二十四小时,如它转三十小时一圈,看我们人要这样的走,不可以走啊,走得很慢;如十二小时转一圈,那就不同了,行快嘛,我们人会跳,好像那些“慑青鬼”那样放着手跳呀跳呀。海浪吹都会不同。它要配得刚好二十四小时一转。365天转这个太阳,配得刚刚好,所以有四季 - 春天、夏天、秋天、冬天。



Xian Sheng tell us that we are praying to th Creator of everthing.

Xian Sheng has peached a couple of months earlier before he reveal this prayer.

Xian Sheng explains why we must kneel down to pray.

This is a method of projecting our life force energy outwards, toward the Creator to let Creator knows that.
First and foremost, we, humans are still on Earth.

When we recite the Prayer, we are facing the Creator to let HIM know.

天公天地 - we know HE create Heaven and Hell

日月球星 - We thank the Creator for giving us the Moon, The Sun, The Earth and the Stars for our existence

When we say Heaven and Hell, this includes the different Dimensions, Plane of Nothing and other planes of existence

金木水火土 - We thank the Creator for giving us the elements, consisting of metals, vegetation, liquid, heat and earth.

And that human is the combination of all the elements

一世 - In God's time - this means the Creator's time. This is not to be mistaken for the lifetime of a human being

世上好 - The fouth verse - In God's time, all and more than that must be good, means

All of Creation, the universe, the moon, the sun, the planets, the stars and the 5 elements all must be good
Xian Sehng explain why all must be good. Veegetation i.e. wood allow us to build tables, earth i.e. clay allows us to mould cups

If the elements are not good, referring to the consciouness that exist in all God's Creation, clay would resist being made in cups

Human are made from the 5 elements. If we lack any one of the elements, man will fall sick

All the 5 elements in human must be in the correct proportion for us exist in harmony

The sun must be good as it gives off just enough energy in the form of sun ray that is suitable for our skin without burning us
(Xian Sheng explaine that all of God's creation like the sun, has a predetermined consciousness that must be good, that controls the chemical process to produce sufficient heat)

In the Pryer, all and more than that must be good, is for us to realize that all of God's creation is for the good of mankind

If the moon, the sun, the planets and the stars are not good, meaning observing the predetermind good consciousness from the Creator, the other planets would collide with Earth and destroyed it.

The Earth rotates every 24 hours. If it rotates once every 12 hours, we would be bouncing on every step we take and if it rotates 30 hours, we will be slowed to a crawl.

Even the oceans waves would create havoc

The Earth rotates every 24 hours, 365 days around in sun in perfect unison to give us 4 different seasons, summer, autumn, winter, and spring.

全部天公造 - Xian Sheng explains that all of this possible because of God's consciousness that all must be good in all of HIS creation

Therefore in the following two verses, "if we love God and the Holy Spirit; we know God and the Holy Spirit will love is"; (have 1 reverse meaning)

If human and the Saints in Heaven love God and the Holy Spirit, then God and the Holy Spirit will love us too.

If human to not love God and the Holy Spirit, then God and the Holy Spirit will not love us too.

And that is why Xian Sheng ask us to love the Creator

To say we love the Creator is one thing. We must love the Creator by praying to the Creator

And how do we pray to the Creator? We use  the Prayer

Xian shegn reminded us once again that the Prayer let us face the Creator to let HIM know that we know HE created Heaven anh Hell

We thannk the Creator for the celestial objects in the universe and that they do not collide with our planet

We Thank the Creator for the 5 elements, without which, man would not even exist

Without the elements i.e. earth and wood, we would not have a house over heads, water for us to drink

And the Creator create all and more than that and imbued them with good consciousness for the existence and survival of all of mankind